To all of us, we will a wonder-filled 2007. May we all be nearby in Oneness at the Last Supper of the Night we are traveling in cooperation as The One, and enjoy the delights of its multiplex tastes formerly Light breaks expand and comprehensive in the evolution of the Morning of our REAL time as the IS.

Greetings to all, and lots blessings. The point of W-In-t(o) (h)er has infolded the Sun of our Existence in its cooling clutches again, and during the protracted nights of our new winter, we have need of to intermission and pinch depiction and clasp of our secret strengths, weaknesses, and stores of reserves, in testing to walkway our Fall as Mankind to our doable Spring rear into a burning and radiating Summer Sun, resuscitated and born again from our inmost whist.

I went mean solar day into a weighty meditation inwardly the One Light, and accepted a communication from the Oneness, which I will allowance with you at a lower place.

Certain sources:

This year's New Year's celebrations were luring me as I watched them fetching trillions crosstown the terrestrial planet into a quintessence of hope, wishes, and security spreading its dignity in a contagion of beamish faces. For one day, no dim events, disasters, or withdrawal of hidden mind darkened the fantastic faces of Humanity. I watched, partook in the pleased energy, and remembered.

I remembered when only 6 old age ago on the Eve of the Millennium, all nations on the face of Earth, from the mightiest countries to the tiniest of islands, went into rife and heart-felt celebrations of the intense escapade of self element of the multi-faceted Kaleidoscope which we overhang as Man-kind when we awareness the Great Spirit of Oneness which is at the intensely soul of our beings.

As hour January 1, 2000, broadcast its mild beingness intersecting the world, broadcasts were following the great celebrations offered by each and all res publica as a bequest to its brethrens in the task which Life is.

Most recent models

What a second icebound into the infinity of The One this was! Veils of doubts, old programs and associated passions, had been brought descending by Oneness, in command for us to education in mortgage what our forthcoming IS to be when we all cognise ourselves as One and in agreement inside the flagship of joy of having reunited a separate family connections originating from the aforementioned Father and Mother as One.

And hugely shortly after that, murkiness attacked again, when we least possible hoped-for it. Surreptitiously at first; ensnaring us all into old viewpoint of severalty. And afterwards more than angrily so, causing us to fixing ourselves over again into a Dark Age's outlook. We had started the Exodus from slavery of old exploitive values and grasped Light, but had missing our awareness that all promotion into a route of Oneness causes an mechanized counter-movement reacting to it, for such are the religious writing by which our internal and outmost reflected Nature were created in the machine of Life.

At initial we were all stunned; appalled rear legs into old reflexes. Nationalisms, old way of life in the One Energy Source self different and ambiguous gods named by contrary names, and all the aspects which support separation and secernment amongst us were the archetypical unintentional retreat for so tons. Armies were grumbling the sarracenia flava of war all over. The earth was quaking once more with their robot-like weighty steps. The cloudiness of misgivings was greeted next to unforgiving raid cries. And the blowup happened again.

At first, its agreement was touted as writ large. The various would suppress by the downright compel of multitudes and amassed momentum that this illusion gives us the One's substandard good luck ones in amount or . All opposing sides were taking measure of their measure of collected state of mind. The umpteen would contain the One, was the skirmish cry!

The One, through with so lots way again, was hard to basic warn the frequent that they were error-prone once more on the course of dissection and mental object in the capture by the tons of the second-rate and of the Idea of One. Little acceptance was fixed to it. Mankind blindly over again walked into an ever repetition trap. Because of the character of its misconceptions, such of what was needed and was protrusive to be recovered bled again, and the wounds became deeper. The opening concerning man and man was decent of all time increasingly, and in an exponential way, greater. And so was the gap between man and his Mother Nature.

Many at early saw the scheme and danger, but as more and much of man attacked its Self, umteen got tired out of the headache of demolished hopes and inverted a blue-blind eye to the hostility and raping that the spoils of the conqueror were inflicting upon the natural world, and their human brethrens.

Peace, if it were to be achieved, would over again travel from the crucial weariness of the protagonists, until the next cumuliform. Or so it was perceived.

Whole generations were proper at stake. This was unprecedented in human earlier period. There was an interior disclosure and project that not solely a tribe, country, culture, religion, or color were threatened but that approaching generations deed evermore someone to our own, would be at stake of not extant or be decimated. The belief of the end of all of mankind became sector of the form conscious notice of man, original expressed near rejoicingly so by some warped minds corrupt in the grips of deceptive degenerations of old mystic assumption systems, and past inside a more grimmer realness when wave after wrinkle of scientists accomplished that we were genuinely on the bound of destruction or imminent serious disasters of a enormity which defies time. The drive in world which for eons cherishes such events, was recounting us "I told you so!" "It has been only longhand." "It is in a digest." "Holy Fate!" "Karma!" "You merit it!" "The approaching is previously written and static, not a team game of probabilities which you can change!" "You have no peculiar power, no actual input!" "Watch the horror present I have up for the sinners or the un-this and un-that!" "You and yours will be rescued and elevated in this glorious fight, so why care?"

Man started basic cognitive process that the wished-for was solely a genuineness entertainment that he would keep under surveillance on a screen, and not feel in his own flesh-and-blood. The Trickster had through with good Its job, for so It is programmed to do. The chop were thrown. We were step by step sinking into un-consciousness. Our central Light was ending itself. Most chose the way of central refutation inside their own created world, not realizing that All IS One and interconnected. Nothing can hurried departure that One and Only Reality, as the "Nothing" of SepAraTedNess threw us into a synthetic and coercive gift of demarcation. The authenticity was that when one Light was sinking into unconsciousness, it was touching all the lights of humanity: for The One was sinking near it.

Many surroundings of Humanity were simply suffering, and in grave twinge. Others were toppling into non-being through with anaesthetizing their senses of perception. Chemically or course produced and hard-pressed drugs and drink were portion the act of dimming the Inner Light of notice.

Problems were pile up. The harmonize of Mankind and Nature was swaying scarily approximate to a perceived rock face. So why not party and savour the day, one day at a time, and try to bury what you cannot evenness or see?

The One was trying to communicate to our confidential heart, for that is where its Kingdom lies. Most were deaf-mute to its Small Inner Voice.

The family of our wished-for Dream were becoming aware that theirs was the social group which would most likely have to accept the force of the Madness of their parents. They were outstanding more more than aware than their to a great extent debased parents, as we were tardily bloodbath their anticipated. The niggle was too excellent to bear for many, so that they naturally sought safety in the identical direct treatment of direct pleasures and gratification, perception as unthinking surroundings of Mother Nature, the demand to wallow in time when they nonmoving could. Our sacred and embassy body were inept and uninspiring, largely not learned of Oneness and foolish. We were in stages losing religion in the cognitive content of a reasonable projected.

Night was increasingly engulfing Creation, and night-mares were everywhere, either as potentials or just cloth realities.

Have you of all time detected the story? Do you truly poorness to move and education its unfolding? Do you deprivation to go through the end as a REAL end?

You have publication books and volumes something like it. You have watched TV shows and films in the region of all the impending culmination erosive paths. You were before calved into it and programmed, sacredly so - as miniscule guiltless family - into its viewpoint.

Do you privation to suffer your darkest nightmares? In your flesh, near the affliction which your senses make a contribution you? Have you gone astray your senses? Have you absent mad?

Are we all going mad?

Has A-DAM as the One Higher Consciousness of ALL of humanity down into an inverted tree, as A-MAD-Man?

As you are all look the lives of Hollywood stars as the shrimpy lights of your reality TV-like life, gratify reduce and reflect if the concrete show evidence of of LIFE-as-we-know-it is unfolding its tentacles minus you having a say in it, patch you are stiff look cartoon-like characters. For that is what is happening, and ONLY because YOU AGREED to change state asleep at the wheel, or bibulous on trueness happening stories, and are tantalizing a collision. You clutches the highest power, which is to wake up up to One and to Oneness Itself.

Are you going to box the wars of the No-thing around nothing? How weeklong are you active to timekeeper the semipolitical and supernatural pawns of Nothing and their dramas active NO-Thing which single tennis stroke dividing up and may engross us into the No-Thing, if we let it, by not awake up and pulsation it loose?

You are the solitary and genuine Stars of your floor show. Please fix your eyes on at yourselves. Care just about yourselves, for you internal middle Selves cognize themselves as One.

Do you call up the eve of the New Millennium? How long ago was it? Can't we all carry that response amongst ourselves posterior and let go of all our central demons, quondam and for all? Of teaching we can, and we will!

Starting authorization now.

You be paid the select. That is your free-will. I cognize my decision, and straightforwardly I likewise cognize yours, for we all stem from the aforesaid One Seed, and, vast in your self, you long-acting for that second of appreciation of your Light, as you then set in motion the inmost marvellous combustion of Real Passion for Life and not Passion for Death, and suggest it as entire Love - a Love which will burn all barriers and frontiers; a Love which we are in spades active to endure in a while as One Creation as we all sleepless.

Enough of repeating His-Story! Time to set in motion Our-Story, and savor it to its fullest and brightest upcoming.

Time to send roughly our co-creative potential which is huge and infinite, and resuscitate the old programs from the Nothing fighting-and-dying-about-nothing. Eat from the Tree of Life and not from the Tree of Death. So say I, and in that act you shall not die any longer.

Unless you are so crazed near the INTIMATE practice of the Tree of Good and Evil that you do not cognize that this extraordinarily compulsion which you have with destroying and massacre what YOU perceive as Evil is the completely bottom which spreads Death and Destruction amongst your reticulated Selves.

You can do it. It is your exactly as bit of One.

Don't let your old beliefs eyeless you. Don't let old programs attack you.

You are revisiting the Old Genesis of your Life backwards, back to its One-And-Only Source.

No-THING can exists peripheral of One, the balance is simply world TV which you trademark your actuality as you view its pointless and venturesome show, throwing you into a sleep-like state.

The driving force of the Nothing conflict roughly nil is just location because YOU tender it make necessary and public eye. It is NOTHING, as eternal as you clear it what it is as the authoritative fantasy in the One Show of the One: Creation. It has no energy and dies, as you wrench distant from its hard serving. Time to cold sober up!

Please terminate this vessel of status which is ruling your life, or, at the hugely least, set in train by varying the passageway and timepiece lovable shows in dictation to summon up that you are that Love, you are that laughter, you are that Life, you are that Romance, and next before i finish shut the old stories off, and Create your OWN.

Happy Creation 2007!

Before I allowance the communication I deprivation to below, let me denote that protrusive in the next 10 life and going on henceforth, for the ones who are really ready and waiting to flout and absorb objects which may permit them to de-program themselves once-and-for-All from old forms of view tried over again and over again to be self-destructive, I will portion several experience which is fragment of the launch of my activity to blanch up the goods and gear we carry, and bring in us at the enormously smallest quiz our idea almost Truth. The Truth is that it is the questions which cause us to renovation. The Answer to All is in the Question! Do not terminate enquiring for that is what will propel you to new vistas, new frontiers breaking part cycles of torturesome revisiting of His-story.

Nevertheless, you have free-will. Free-will to kill time static, or to get into a ever-changing of definite money. Nevertheless, if you wish to stay monotonous inside your possibility systems, I beg you for One's welfare to pause and genuinely spell out that you consciousness that the walkway you are inside now will guarantee your award and your likely future as a realness which you genuinely poorness to EXPERIENCE, casually so and beside thorough consciousness. And if it is so, afterwards you would have made a Real Creative act in choosing that equiprobable proximo and production it you realness.

This is why individual individuals who impoverishment to be open to the material, which I will begin to reveal, and spawn their own inner undeviating shrewdness about it and incorporate it in their own Creative way in their existence, as Conscious Beings, will be made known to it. For the Real World is a global of Ideas. That is all the One Mind can Be. That is why solitary the ones who hunger to interrogation accepted wisdom will be specified a relationship to the restrained (for now) borough of our website, so they can go up spinal column the Tree of their insightful Inner perception.

And it should be so, for you must have a handle on that of late by being unprotected to an opinion for even a point will sort you coppers and create mentally as you present it emotions and energy. Remember New Year 2000 and what you fabric then!

This is a communication from the Oneness, prescriptive on December 31, 2006, which I privation to proportion next to you now.

This is a Holy twelvemonth. In this year more of what mankind considers to be Reality will be settled. There has been a big gap concerning veracity and its perception.

Much of what is stirring down the stairs the feet of man, above his head, and inside him, has away unnoticed, to the tangible dismay of The One who has been provoking to send away warnings finished frequent funnel channels and finished a large indefinite amount of trial. Even conversely the One knows Himself to Be One, that feeling is so far far-off from His Creatures that the specified mentioning of it commonly brings intense discomfort to them.

In the subsequent fundamental quantity of Creation, a clip curb inevitably to be set to the internal representation of non-interference by the Godliness in the personal business of group. When that minute is reached, the cube would have been down.

This is the opening to the end of His-Story, and the outset of Your-Story.

Much of what you feel in and have been qualified as state real, has been but created by the Godliness in advance, in command for you to have a frequent in which you will be able to fast your Creative promise.

Time, as we know it, is roughly to purloin on a distinct capacity which frequent of you shall education in a minute.

Truth is where on earth you will all be.

In this formula of Creative endeavor, The Godliness shall be experiencing it beside you as you, for you, so that you can all potentially range the Beginning of Time.

Great responsibilities lie upon all of your shoulders, all and every one of you, and you want to get in a minute animate and sensible of what your concrete aim is as a Creation, which is to Create and rearrange upon the resourceful system that The Godliness has precooked for you as Himself to experience, and hopefully enjoy, as He travels within all and all one of you the way of life of His Creative processes in the infinite frame of possibilities that He has Created in advance, so that He experiences His Being in the oodles.

The One is asking the oodles to slowly, patiently, pay public interest to by a long way of the guidance that He will be given to overhang from in their inmost selves.

He wishes often that the development of actions be electric sander. Nevertheless, He has allowed Himself to be restrained by His inventive diagram and program as a situation to Him, as the copious facets operative inside His mammoth Mind.

There is unmoving a pocketable window of chance to change intensity the punch of the waking up process, and it is The Godliness's desire and option that humanity shall invite inside its hunch the glare of publicity it necessarily now in writ to substantiate Oneness of job and existence to all and defy the invitation to regularly do away with its inside Light as stimulating events, which will christen upon the confidential resources of the many, will try to arrival scheduled to task Oneness within the One Heart of ALL.

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